Ms. Nalini is a senior exponent of Classical Dance form Kathak, is empanelled as an A - grade artist of Ministry of Information And Broadcasting (India) , a choreographer, a performing arts educator and is a well known Guru ( teacher) of Kathak dance.
Trained in both Odissi ( under Guru Harekrishna Behera and Legendary Guru kelucharan Mohapatra) and in Kathak ( under Pt. Sunder Prasad and Pt. Kundan lal gangani of Jaipur gharana of Kathak), as a soloist, Nalini has represented India, in many countries abroad, through the government of India. Apart from Performing at all the prestigious festivals in India , In 1972 and 1975 , she was bestowed with the title of 'Rakkasa -e-Hind', by king Zahir Shah, during her performance at Afghanistan, as a Cultural delegate of India.
Her journey in the field of dance has been for over 40 years and has devoted herself to the preservation and promotion of classical Arts in India. Through Kala Kunj, she has choreographed several stage and television productions like 'krishnamayee', ' Jyoti pushp', 'Tere ishq nachaya ' and many more. She has also worked with children with special needs and has established herself as a respectable Guru in the field of classical dance.